With Custom Instructions, you can customize the Chat replies length, style, language, and anything else to match your specific preferences. For excample:

  • Always include a step-by-step explanation after generating code.

  • Always include detailed in-line comments along with any code generated.

  • Always use Tailwind CSS for responsive styling (or any other framework or library).

  • Write comments and explanations in italian (or any other language).

By default, Double comes pre-loaded with 4 different instructions: No Yapping (Default), Exploration, chatgpt.com Original Prompt, and claude.ai Original Prompt.

Getting Started

You can choose out of these 4 default instructions, edit them, or create your own custom instructions from scratch as follows:


Where to find Custom Instructions

Click on the Custom Instructions icon at the top of the Chat sidebar to go into the Custom Instructions menu.


Custom Instructions Menu

Here you’ll be able to see the current selected Instruction (highlighted by a orange border), your library of instructions, delete or edit any existing instructions, and create a new instruction.


Creating an Instruction

To create a Custom Instruction, all you need is a Title, and an Instruction written in natural language explaining the desired behavior.

This is akin to a System Prompt, or a Custom Instruction in ChatGPT, which you can import into Double by copy-pasting it to the box above.