CodeSnap lives inside of the Chat sidebar, it appears whenever the AI generates a code snippet, either as a change to your existing code or entirely new code.

When you click the CodeSnap bolt icon, it intelligently applies the edits into the current file and highlights the changes in diff style for you to approve.

CodeSnap in action


Start with Chat

Start by asking the Chat to make a change to an existing file, or to generate code from scratch.


Click the CodeSnap icon

When a code snippet is generated in Chat, you’ll see the CodeSnap icon appear on top of the code block.

Immediately after clicking on the CodeSnap icon, changes will be streamed into the current open file.


Review changes

The changes made your code will be presented in diff style. Lines of code added will be highlighted in green, and lines of code removed will be highlighted in red.

You can accept all or reject all of the changes by clicking on Accept All or Reject All buttons at the top of the editor, or with the Cmd+Shift+Y and Cmd+Shift+N keyboard shortcuts.

Alternatively, you can accept or reject individual changes by clicking individually on the Accept or Reject buttons next to each change, or with the Cmd+Y and Cmd+N keyboard shortcut from top to bottom.